Maintain your aerobic capacity with home boxercise workouts
The following clips may be beneficial for you to use in your own home , however you will still need to be mindful completing some of these exercises.
Brainfit Exercise Physiology participants who have completed an initial assessment will be aware of exercises to avoid to manage their condition safely using exercise.
A list of general guidelines used in Brainfit Group Classes can be found to the side of this page. Please read through these General Exercise Safety Guidelines prior to starting your exercises. Please also read through the Exercise Disclaimer page by following this link
Brainfit Exercise Physiology participants who have completed an initial assessment will be aware of exercises to avoid to manage their condition safely using exercise.
A list of general guidelines used in Brainfit Group Classes can be found to the side of this page. Please read through these General Exercise Safety Guidelines prior to starting your exercises. Please also read through the Exercise Disclaimer page by following this link
Exercise Safety Guidelines for Home Boxercise
Exercise Safety for Boxercise
Exercise Modifications
- Limit squats to 10 at a time
- Do not complete deep squats
- Limit lunges to 5 at a time each leg and no more than 30 on each leg in total
- Replace jumping exercises with calf raises instead
- Avoid trying to do push ups on the floor and opt for wall push ups instead
Exercise Modifications
- If you have rotator cuff problems or shoulder injuries, do not complete any arm movements that involve lifting your arms above your heads. Keep your elbows in close to your body and avoid " hook punches".
- Read the following modifications below.
Boxing routines to try at home
The exercises in the printout provided by Brainfit Exercise Physiology for you to try at home.
You can also complete some these boxing routines sitting in your chair.
Please do not complete any exercises that may cause you pain.
You can also complete some these boxing routines sitting in your chair.
Please do not complete any exercises that may cause you pain.
Download Home Boxing Workouts Here
Seated Boxercise Videos
30 Min Seated Cardio Boxing Workout for Disabled, Injured, Paraplegic or Amputee by KimNonStop
Boxercise Videos
The following videos can be found on the -NATE BOWER ELEVATED website.
Remember to follow the guidelines placed above so as to make sure you are not placing your shoulders at risk . If you feel any twinging or sharp pain in your shoulders, please do not compete the boxing routines
Remember to follow the guidelines placed above so as to make sure you are not placing your shoulders at risk . If you feel any twinging or sharp pain in your shoulders, please do not compete the boxing routines